Help > Service Fee

Updated: 2020-03-26
2.9% + 0.30 per transaction

The Service Fee (better known as a Credit Card Processing Fee) is not a fee implemented by the City of Clyde. This fee is how much the Payment Processor charges for using a credit card online, and at this time, the fee is passed on to the customer (you). Why the fee structure was set this way has been discussed by Clyde City Council many times since 2010.

Online credit card processing generally costs significantly more than processing offline payments. Credit card fees for online charges are generally higher due to the higher likelihood of fraud. When someone steals or counterfeits a credit card, they are more likely to try and use that card online rather than in a store. This is so-called ‘card-not-present’ fraud and it has been on the raise in recent years. Whenever chargebacks occur as a result of fraud, the networks and processors often deal with the cost which is why they increase prices to cope with a part of their losses.

Common Processors and their Fees
Processor Processing Fee Monthly Fee
Stripe 2.9% + $0.30 None
PayPal 2.9% + $0.30 None
Square 2.9% + $0.30 None
Payment Depot Interchange + $0.05 - $0.25 $29 - $99